
It's been 9 Months... by Oliver Asis

Hello!  It's been 9 months or more so since I last posted here on the blog.  I'm sorry.  This is the part were I tell you I was busy, I was doing this, and I was doing that.  Partly true and not the whole truth.  The truth is that I didn't make it a priority for me to do it.  I honestly didn't.  I rested on my laurels thinking that will help get me back into it.  Well it didn't.  I know that now.  And I regret that it has taken me this long to get back here and report.

This is part were I will make a Declaration / Promise to myself.  I promise to at least every week to post here and share something.  It can be anything.  Anything related to my photography journey.  So there is my promise.

I, Oliver Asis, promise to share and post here on the blog at least once a week for the foreseeable future with my photography.

With that now out of the way, let me give you an update via pictures.

1)  I visited my 18th and 19th National Parks; Redwood National Park & Death Valley National Park.

My friends, Randy, Hollie, Erin, and I at the eastern enterance into Death Valley National Park. 

My friends, Randy, Hollie, Erin, and I at the eastern enterance into Death Valley National Park. 

2)  I won the Adobe Creative Jam Mobile Photography category with both the Judges & People's Choice.

This was the winning image from the Adobe CreativeJam San Diego 2016!  Theme was Boundaries.

This was the winning image from the Adobe CreativeJam San Diego 2016!  Theme was Boundaries.

3)  I've become the President of the Professional Photographers of San Diego County (PPSDC).

4)  I've recently started working at 3rdSpace, it has become the official home of the business side of Oliver Asis Photography.

The 3rdSpace Town Hall meeting.

The 3rdSpace Town Hall meeting.

5)  I'm getting closer and closer to taking 1,000 consecutive photographs everyday since January 2014.  September 26th, 2016 will mark the 1,000th day!


6)  I've recently got involved in a photography project at my coworking space called; San Diego Unseen!
